To pay your bill, please click the appropriate button from the menu to the the right. Should you require assistance or have any questions, please call our office at 410.602.9343.
In office:
$250 Consult or patient not seen in more than 3 years
$150 Follow up office visit
$1300 Given capsule
$400 Infusion administration
$800 Remicade/Avsola per vial (# of vials is based on patient weight) + infusion administration
$60 Patency capsule
$6000 Entyvio infusion + infusion administration
$1500 Stelara Infusion per vial plus infusion administration
$1500 ERCP
$80 Fibroscan
$900 Anorectal Manometry
In Endocentre:
Procedure Physician fee Facility fee Total
Colonoscopy $600 $450 $1050
EGD $400 $450 $850
Double $750 $650 $1400
Flex Sig $250 $250 $500
EGD w/Bravo $1000 $450 $1450
Hem Banding $250 $250 $500
Anesthesia $250 for single $350 for double
Note** Prices do not include pathology or lab however there are 5 possible biopsy types – approximate cost would be $300
Procedure cancellation fee on day of procedure $100
If patient is unable to pay entire fee at time of service then we require at least half of the balance due and the balance paid within 3 months. If the patient pays in full for a procedure on the day of the procedure then they will receive a $100 discount on the total amount due.
**Please note prices listed can change without notice. Please speak with your physician’s secretary for confirmation**